Well, it was bound to happen eventually. As Tasti D-Lite prepares to embark on their quite extensive expansion plan, the
stone-age website has been replaced by a sparkly, brand-spanking-new one. The update is much needed and a
huge improvement. The new site includes a really sweet new favicon, a whole new layout, a new brand logo, a new tagline, and tons of new information. Not surprisingly, "own a franchise" is prominently located on the homepage. In any case, over the next week, we'll take a look at a lot of the new information more in-depth. We'll analyze the new brand image, the massive expansion plans, the history and nutrition. So keep checking back here over the next few weeks for
The State of the Tasti series.

The main photo rotates between three options, but this was the clear one to screen cap. Look how crazy the girl on the left looks!
No one wants to look like that! It looks like the magic Tasti chemicals finally got to her brain. Or a gun is being pointed at her head, and she's being told she'll be shot if she doesn't smile enthusiastically. Or she just has some mental issues...
Don't be too quick to have Jim Amos take the Helm of Tasti.
BAD BAD People!!
Here is a summary:
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