As my visits to Tasti D-Lite became increasingly frequent, I realized what kept me coming back was the excitement and intrigue that comes with the flavors of the day. Why every flavor looks like chocolate or vanilla is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but this blog aims to serve as a repository for reviews on and pictures of each Tasti flavor--enjoy!

Have pictures, reviews, or news? E-mail!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Angel Food Cake

Flavor accuracy is one of the hallmarks of the Tasti D-Lite platform--they take the most complex flavors and perfectly transform the tastes into frozen dessert form. That's what makes Angel Food Cake so surprising. It has a fairly strong flavor, but it is hardly reminiscent of Angel Food Cake. Rather, as my astute companion pointed out, it tastes exactly like coconut--to the point where I wonder if they accidentally mixed up the labels. Either way, Angel Food Cake is a fairly refreshing and light flavor and would be an easy 3 stars if not for the coconut issue.

D-LIST (2 of 4 stars)

80 calories/serving


Anonymous said...

Where r u? I dont know what's gonig on in the world of tastid!!

Unknown said...

I have confirmed that Angel Food Cake tastes EXACTLY like coconut. I had it the other day at the Columbia tasti-d and it had the same coconut flavor, which isn't a bad thing, but the taste is nothing like that of real angel food cake.