As my visits to Tasti D-Lite became increasingly frequent, I realized what kept me coming back was the excitement and intrigue that comes with the flavors of the day. Why every flavor looks like chocolate or vanilla is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but this blog aims to serve as a repository for reviews on and pictures of each Tasti flavor--enjoy!

Have pictures, reviews, or news? E-mail!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Milky "Weigh"

I've always been amused by Tasti D's awkward re-spellings and re-wordings to avoid copyright infringements: Honey Nut "O's" Tasti Musketeers, and the like. Yet another quirk to cherish, I guess. Of the copyright-fearing flavors, Milky "Weigh" is one of the best--the taste is accurate and sustained throughout. Also, there's a bonus for the accurate color--the flavor looks just like the fluffy inside of the candy bar.

TASTI (3 of 4 stars)

90 calories/serving

1 comment:

Danny Townsend said...

I'm glad you "weighed in" on the issue...